Taylor Pape
Team Lead
Taylor Pape is a fourth-year biology major with a computer science and data analytics minor at NJIT. She is in the Albert Dorman's Honor's College, where she is a Peer mentor and teaching assistant. Taylor is a member and captain of NJIT's D1 Women's soccer team and plays violin for the orchestra. In 2023, she completed the McNair Summer Research Institute fellowship program working in NJIT's BioSMART laboratory. Taylor has continued to work in this lab researching the quantification of pain through biosensors and machine learning. In 2024, she completed the Honor's Summer Research Institute program working in NJIT's STG laboratory of Neuron and Circuit Dynamics researching how neuromodulation can affect the stability of neuronal activity. After graduation in 2025, Taylor plans to pursue a Master’s in Bioinformatics followed by a Ph.D., and then hopes to work in the pharmaceutical industry as a bioinformatics scientist.