Esther Ishola
2025 Scholar
Esther Ishola is a high school senior at Newark Tech School of Technology. She holds several key leadership roles, including president of the National Honors Society, parliamentarian for Student Council, co-founder/co-president of the Art and Crochet Club, and a member of HOSA. Her involvement in STEM includes a seven-week internship at Hartz Mountain Industry, where she gained practical experience regarding finance and leasing. Esther is certified in Adult and Pediatric First Aid, Blood-borne Pathogens Training, and Basic Life Support (CPR and AED) through the Red Cross and the American Heart Association, and she holds an OSHA certification in workplace safety. Esther is a part of her school health careers CTE where she is currently taking EMT classes. Esther, in addition, is a dual enrolled student at Essex County College. She serves as a senior peer mentor and has expanded her medical knowledge through the Rutgers Mini-Medical Program. In addition to her academic and leadership roles, Esther volunteers at the Montclair Animal Shelter and participates in local food drives, aspiring to become a dermatologist.