Alexis Halm-Owoo
Alexis Halm-Owoo is a senior at Columbia High School in Maplewood. She is passionate about the betterment of her community and spends her time making small and direct impacts through her local YMCA’s Teen Leaders Volunteer Club. Alexis spends her free time peer tutoring through the Achieve Foundation and holds multiple leadership roles in her school’s Minority Achievement Community. She spent the last summer interning at the New Jersey Institute of Technology under the supervision of Dr. Bryan Pfister in his lab that focuses on how biomedical research correlates with traumatic brain injuries. Alexis is a Kode with Klossy and Girls Who Code alumni, participating in their coding programs in hopes of coding an app that reaches out to her community and increases youth participation in politics. Additionally, Alexis helped create a botany research project for her Science Research class that focuses on the importance of suberin in addressing the fight against climate change. Her dream is to strategically apply science in a way that solves problems in our everyday lives and assists in social justice reforms.