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Adam Freedman

Adam Freedman is a junior at Lenape High School. He is extremely active in many different clubs, sports, and other extracurricular activities. In school, Adam is on the varsity golf team as well as a captain of the Knowledge Bowl Team. In addition, he is an active member of DECA, and serves as an officer of Science League, helping manage social media accounts. Outside of school, Adam is a founding member and Lead Mechanical Engineer for the Mount Laurel MATE (Marine Advanced Technology Education) Team. The team builds underwater ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) and participates in competitions focused on tackling problems like climate change and ocean sustainability. The team finished second at the 2023 MATE World Championships this past summer. He participated in a summer program at Brown University regarding alternative energy engineering. Adam is also a regular volunteer with the NJ Tree Foundation where he takes part in multiple tree plantings, every spring and fall. Adam also volunteers his time on Sundays, working as a teacher at his local synagogue. Adam's other interests include baking/cooking and astronomy. He aims to pursue a career in aerospace engineering.

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