Zashaan Shaik
Zashaan Shaik is a junior at the Edison High School STEM Academy. He is a member of his school's Science Olympiad Team, a member of the Boy Scouts, and leads an award winning FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics Team. Zashaan promotes robotics internationally and has spoken in places such as rural India. He has also worked on a project during his time at the DiscoverSTEM organization that aims to prevent injuries from ladder falls. This innovation, “Method and System for Providing a Smart Ladder to a User,” has recently gotten a patent granted after its application was reviewed by the USPTO. Outside of STEM, Zashaan enjoys playing basketball and helping out in the community. He volunteers at a local Sunday School and a food distribution organization for the needy. In the future, Zashaan hopes to start his own tech-related business that will help the world.