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Suchit Basineni

Suchit Basineni is a junior at High Technology High School. Last year, he researched parameters that cause tornadogenesis and investigated parameters most conducive towards tornadogenesis. Using multiple common parameters and real data sets, he made conclusions about what parameters played a significant role in tornado development. He earned second place at the Jersey Shore Science Fair (JSSF), third place at the Delaware Valley Science Fair (DVSF), and second place at the New Jersey Academy of Science (NJAS). He has also been involved in leadership with his Boy Scout Troop and is a STEM ambassador for his county 4-H. Additionally, he is involved with VEX Robotics and has advanced to the state competition. Similar to his research project, Suchit is interested in Meteorology and Computer Science and is looking into an area that involves both interests.

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