Natasha Velikoselskiy
Advisory Council Member
Natasha Velikoselskiy is a Leadership Expert, Executive Coach, Founder of LEADING WHILE HUMAN Leadership Development Consultancy, and an Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School.
Natasha’s professional commitment is to growing PEOPLE in the center of business and upholding humanity as the core of leadership. As an Ivy League trained Organizational Psychologist, her fundamental belief is “who we are is how we lead”.
Natasha works with Fortune 500 organizations as well as start-ups and non-profits to catalyze leadership impact the workplace. She is a trusted strategic partner who helps leaders get to the next level so they can do the same for their team, business, organization and the larger community.
An adamant proponent of bridging theory and practice in Leadership Development, Natasha is well-versed in research and best practices in the field. She holds professional certifications in Hogan, Lominger, DiSC and Dr. Brené Brown’s Dare to LeadTM curriculum.
A sought-out presenter and contributor in a variety of professional forums, from industry conferences to the TEDx stage, Natasha is an engaging speaker with resonant and thought-provoking messages on leadership courage, leading authentically, high performing teams and inclusion in the workplace.